Thursday 9 February 2017

21/ 12 /2016 to 23 /12/ 2016

In these days we came back to school after our 3rd semester examination of B.ed these days the school conducted the Xmas exams at full day. So we got examination duty at various classes.At the noon time we helped teachers for arranging the answer sheets of the students.At the afternoon section we also got examination the last day friday the school conducted the Xmas celebration programme.The celebration programme started by cutting cakes by school manager and head master.The teachers conducted a welcoming prayer song,that was awesome.Teachers and non teaching staffs conducted various programmes  on the stage.we the B.ed trainees, conducted a carol song on the stage.Everyone appropriate was excellent.The school management arranged lunch to all teachers,non teachers PTA members and school management members.we helped for food supply.we convey x mas to all.

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